
McArthur Stanton Solicitors Blog & News

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McArthur Stanton Solicitors

Child-Inclusive Mediation Dumbarton & Helensburgh

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If you, or your client who is separating with kids, are thinking that it might be of benefit to involve the children in some way in the separation process, here's a little bit of information to help you decide how best to consider it. It is written by our partner, Scott C. Docherty, who was the first lawyer mediator in Scotland to be trained in direct consultation with children in family mediation ("child inclusive mediation").

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McArthur Stanton Solicitors

Removing Barriers to Co-Parenting

Researchers in the US have recently looked at how concerns about parenting behaviour can affect the ability of divorced parents to co-parent.

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McArthur Stanton Solicitors

Continued Rise in ‘Grey Divorce’ Numbers

The upward trend in the number of ‘grey divorces’ appears to be continuing, according to a new survey from the United States.

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McArthur Stanton Solicitors

Civil Partnership and Same-Sex Marriage

The latest figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) have revealed that 861 civil partnerships were formed in England and Wales in 2015, which is a fall of 49% from 1,683 in 2014.

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McArthur Stanton Solicitors

Review of Civil Partnerships in Scotland

Since the introduction of same-sex marriages, there’s been some debate about what the future holds for civil partnerships in Scotland. Should it be scrapped in the future or should it be opened up to include opposite-sex couples? The Scottish Government asked these questions and more in its Review of Civil Partnerships, and has now published its analysis of responses (available here).

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