Divorce & Separation

Divorce, dissolution of a civil partnership and separation are difficult and if you are facing this situation you will have a great number of legal questions. Our specialist family law team have decades of experience in handling divorce and separation cases and can help ease some of the strain.

Divorce and Separation Lawyers Helensburgh and Dumbarton

We will meet with you to discuss any queries and concerns you may have, and if necessary, take instructions from you to negotiate a fair settlement of your financial, child care arrangements and other disputes as swiftly and as amicably as possible. We will always advise in your bests interests so you know you are getting the best settlement possible.

If you are unable to reach a settlement, and your case needs the assistance of the Court, we will guide you through the process step by step until its conclusion. Our solicitors handle complex family cases every week in Courts throughout Scotland and are accustomed to adopting a practical and common sense approach to resolving legal issues.

Divorce, Separation and Civil Partnership Dissolution Lawyers in Helensburgh and Dumbarton

You don’t have to go into the city for a specialist divorce or separation lawyer. We are as efficient, experienced and fully IT modernised as well as being based in your local area. All of our lawyers are committed to client satisfaction and have unparalleled knowledge of the local court, mediation and family law  without attracting the very high fees of city-based lawyers.

We also offer packages tailored to your needs, allowing you to deal with all of your family law issues arising from divorce or separation, guided by or friendly and empathetic team. Contact us on 01389 762266 or 01436 672212, and one of our specialist team will be happy to meet with you to discuss your circumstances in confidence.

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